Monday, July 9, 2012

Sundays with Sienna - July 8

The always adorable Cubs were in town for the latest game. Definitely a strange world where Cubs are cute - at least to Sienna's eyes - and I refer to Queens as a town - it is definitely a city.

Right now Sienna is digging on her favorite stuffed toy, a plush leopard who we not-so-creatively named Spot. This tidbit plays into the story since a child will naturally be drawn to a team that has a cute animal name, a cuddly bear as an icon, and a tradition involving terrible singing.

Thankfully this past week Sienna pointed at the Mr Met fat head that I stickered about her crib the week before she was born. A child's natural curiousity is always amusing to behold, especially given that it has been there over a year. Sienna pointed at it as though she had never seen it before and gave a quick "Gah?" - which is toddler for what-the-hell-is-that?

I am guessing she noticed it from her changing table directly across the room though depth perception being a relatively new concept she is trying to figure out how an object so small from a distance is nearly indecipherable from so close. Some fans may also think this relates to baseball in general but I digress.

Onto the Car...
Sienna is now a master of taking mostly only one nap a day. This allows for a much more robust parenting experience in that when she now gets up from her 9:30 - 11ish nap odds are she will make it through the rest of the day. When she deems a second nap necessary - meaning she ignores her 1 pm nap - she usually goes for a 3 or 4 pm nap, which is parent speak for saying we will have her in the car at the time hoping she falls asleep.

In one of the many hand-me-down Mets outfits she received from Danielle's co-workers Sienna looks like a pink assassin of baseball. Ths pink assassin also has parents who have finally figured out how to not rush her to the ballpark.

Either way I want uneventful and we get uneventful. Which we do, well before the game so Danielle can get some work done.

Now the Park...
Sienna still resists walking at this point. There are two ways to think about this:

  1. The first time parent perspective - Ohmygodmychildisn'twalking!WhatamIdoingwrong?

  2. The second time parent perspective - Enjoy it since the little buggers get into everything once they walk

We claim we lean toward perspective 2, though really we are more perspective 1.

To Sienna though the ballpark means looooooooooooooooooooooong hallways which she can ply her trade of knee walking. This consists of moving down the hallway at a high speed using on her knees. I happen to believe this shows a higher degree of intelligence since the knees offer a much wider base of support. Okay that is complete justification but whatever.

Sienna seems all prepped for her hallway manuevers as I release her from her stroller. She pops into the hallway and...

...backs away because Buddy the Dog is at Danielle's office doorway. Yes, Buddy the golden retriever really exists and Sienna is face-to-face with him.

Sienna has shown an affinity for small dogs. The toy poodles. The boxers. Anything that is Scudder-cat size really. Buddy the Dog is decidedly much larger than Sienna. Sienna wants nothing to do with the dog.

Danielle's new intern pops in to meet Sienna for the first time. Okay, not specifically to meet Sienna; she has no idea my child is going to be there. However she is fantastic with Sienna. Not in a fake sort of put up with you child way but actually having experience deadling with children.

Sienna is happily playing with her toys at the ball park though. Her Mr Met doll, her soccer ball, the meal I'm feeding her. This gives her enough energy to recheck that hallway to ensure that Buddy is gone and to start crawling around.

The Crawl...

Sienna took off down the hallways as Danielle was busy at work. To Sienna the place most likely resembals a limitless plain for her to crawl down. The the crawl always begins the same way, Sienna stops and looks inside John Ricco's office from the hallway. Thank goodness he has kids since he has been non-pulsed whenever he looks up and sees her staring at him.

After that Sienna takes the tiled hallway toward the executive offices. The tiled hallway must feel cool on her hands and knees since she picks up speed in her most determined crawl. If long distance crawling was an Olympic Sport then Sienna would get a gold.

At least if it took place in the one hallway.

Sienna also has the most interesting habit of hearing a toilet flush, heading for the sound then looking expectantly for someone to come out. What confuses her is when Danielle and I are next to her.

After the trek to and from the long hallway.

The Seats. The Seats. The Seats.

We actually made it to the seats for game time! Sienna is showing more interest in baseball when something happens. That is the key for her. People standing around = boring; people running around = interesting.

Also interesting is the chicken fingers & krinkle fries. Sienna enjoys baseball much more while eatting the fries. The people in front of us as extremely patient, most likely since it is blazing hot out and everyone is escaping to rows further back to be out of the sun. I say most likely since no one is in his or her correct seat.

"We're supposed to be in row 12," someone says.

We're all in about row 25 at this point.

Sienna plays tag, or at least her version of it, using my legs as one base and Danielle's as another. She may not know baseball is going on, however she certainly knows baseball means hanging with Mommy & Daddy.

Sienna also takes her time switching between our laps, sometimes looking at the field, glancing around at the people in the area and generally being a well behaved child. I even actually explain a little more baseball to her.

She takes it with good humor. Especially when she starts drinking her water.

We introduce our daughter to the "strategic moveback" and set a horrible example climbing over seats to the rows behind us. As always, we endeavor not to drop her. Sienna is unconcerned save for the location of her yellow hat and her kninkle fries.

She could probably go for a few more innings. Mommy and Daddy last three.

Caesar's Club

All Sienna baseball games must pass through the Caesar's Club. Besides getting our child used to Vegas/AC style rooms it provides air condition, room to roam and pizza! In this case two slices from Two Boots.

Whoever decided to put Two Boots in a ballpark is a genius. The Larry Tate and the Mets Meatlover. Sienna nibbles at Mommy's Larry Tate.

Sienna must also be getting used to Gary Cohen's voice since she hears it coming through the TV and starts paying attention.

We spend the next three innings hanging out watching the game. It is glorious and our child may not understand baseball yet she does understand food.

The Exit

It takes us two more innings to get out of the ballpark. Saying goodbye to co-workers, navigating the parking lot. The game is on the radio and Sienna...

...she naps all the way home with a delighted smile on her little face.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Last Month the DL and the return to baseball

I haven't been to any baseball games with Sienna as my hip surgery required actual RECOVERY TIME. Who knew? Okay, my Doctor.

The surgery was May 24 with the first two weeks leaving me unable to even have my daughter sit next to me on the couch. Sienna is a firm believer on using Daddy as a jungle gym whenever possible. No doubt her little hands would have honed in on the stitches

I am pleased that I am now able to actually carry my child again. My original intent was to take Sienna to games on Sundays with Grandma's help except Danielle (smartly) nixed the idea. EPSN took the final decision away by turning June 3rd into a night game on ESPN. I found myself laying on the couch pumped up with pain killers muttering about how the Mayans were right.

Or something like that. Moral of the story: listen to Danielle.

The Mets v Yankees series at Yankee Stadium also afforded us a chance to attend. Though Danielle would have been left to the actual work of carting Sienna around hostile territory while I was on crutches. My wife is smarter than I, declining the offer of us attending the game.

Around then the stitches came out, Sienna being able to join me on the couch. This is where my loving progeny displayed her most recent sign of independence: sliding off the couch to play with her toys while the Mets played. Yes I tried to turn my daughter into a couch surfer and failed.

I can't blame her. Her toys are pretty cool.

I'll admit father's day hurt. I was planning on running the bases with Sienna. Okay, I would have been on crutches and I wasn't even medically cleared to hold her. It would have been watching Grandma Trudy take care of Sienna at Citi Field while father's enjoyed a day with off spring.

Instead we spent the day in Queens (Danielle had to work) where Grandma Trudy took Sienna and myself to a park. I watched my daughter learn how to use the slide that day. It was awesome.

ESPN took any decisions out of our hands by turning the next Sunday day game into a Sunday night games. I might have been able to attend though it was Mets v Yankees round 2. I don't know if I would have subjected Sienna to that atmosphere yet.

Late-June rolled up on us faster than we expected with Danielle doing super mom duties of picking up, dropping off, being a happy person during all of this and threatening me a reasonable amount of times. Grandma Trudy lent a more than helping hand on the night's Danielle had to work relate or just needed a break.

Now we find ourselves in July on this Sunday as I am now clearned to carry my daughter for short periods of time, she likes sitting in her seat and oh, she has been climbing onto the couch again lately.
