Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Anti-climactic Tennis

A tear was building up. I could see it developing on the corners of Danielle's eyes. Surely it was ready to descent down my beautiful wife's cheek.

It was all Nadal's fault.

He was raising his trophy high into the air, the entire culmination of an entire lifetime of work -okay he is 20-something but stick with me- leading to a history making Grand Slam. Certainly there would be words of wisdom, or a jubilant cheer to rock the foundations of the universe.

Cut to: Opening of the Chargers-Chiefs game.

Jarring writing above, right? Throws you out of the moment and makes you wonder what is up, right? Unfortunately the U.S. Open had one of the most anti-climactic of emotional climaxes as viewers wondered: Where the hell is ESPN Classic?

I must back up a bit first, Monday night Danielle and I were watching (enjoying isn’t the right word) the Jets-Ravens game, and flipping over to pro wrestling during commercial breaks. A massive thunderstorm had rolled through the area delaying the Jets game, the Mets game, and I THOUGHT the U.S. Open finals.

What also added to my thought that the finals had been cancelled was that CBS was showing Two and a Half Men. Being a good husband I had checked - after all Danielle is a huge tennis fan and I like to keep my wife joyously happy seeing as how she humors me so often.

Being a better wife Danielle checked her Blackberry - showing that the nefarious device was finally good for something - and that the U.S. Open

The U.S. Open was on ESPN2. CBS ran NO ticker saying to check out the other station. ESPN2 *mentioned* the ceremony would be on ESPN Classic - whatever the hell that is. Really the entire situation reminded me of TBS having technical difficulties during the playoffs and running Steve Harvey while trying to fix the situation but not telling anyone.

Either way the dramatic moment was ruined I looked toward Danielle wondering what she wanted to do.

"We can watch Monday night football," she said. Okay, I may not have even waited. I have no idea where ESPN Classic is.

Talk about anti-climactic.


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