Monday, June 6, 2011

Ten Things That Weren't Cool 20 Years Ago That Are Now

At some point I am going to have to explain cool/uncool/geek/dork/nerd to Sienna. Luckily I have some insight into this subject.

Twenty years I was what was considered a dork or geek. I played chess during lunch breaks and in the morning in the band room during High School, played Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, and oh so much more. What kept me from getting any beatings was that I was also a varsity wrestler. Popular? Good lord, no. Enemies? Not really. Man was I uncool though - at least objectively speaking. Amazingly enough almost everything my friends and I were into in High School are'll see.

  1. Liking comic books. Oh man were you considered a geek if you collected and read comic books in High School. Now it is a multi-billion dollar industry. Though if you point out how a movie is nothing like the comic book are a geek again. I was reminded of this when the Rocketeer was on the other night and I remembered waaaaaay too much of that move than should be allowed.

  2. Vampires. A sexy vampire killing people? Man what sort of weird fantasy were you into? Oh, it is called Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Naturally. Or un-naturally.

  3. Ghosts. If you even said you liked or believed in ghosts then you got a really strange look. Now you can watch Ghost Hunters, Haunted History, or a ton of other ghost movies on tv. I look forward to a show about Atlantis in the new 20 years.

  4. Statistics. Typical Boston conversation circa 1986. "Wade Boggs is terrible!" "Why? He gets on base all the time?" "He doesn't hit home runs like Jim Rice. He isn't a good enough hitter." "He gets on base 4 out of 10 times. Isn't the point to get on base?" "NO IT'S TO HIT HOME RUNS!" I blame this on Boston not sending kids to school during the 1970s integration crisis. It wasn't much better in 1991 either.

  5. Non-sports Video Games. Another past time that was for losers or dorks. Say the following to a lot people over 35: up, down, up, down, left, right, left, right, a, b, a, b, select start. If they smile they are your friend, if they frown they are the enemy.

  6. Flannel. Unless you were into grunge. Then it was okay. This comes back once every twenty years.

  7. Men Being Sensitive. This one comes in and out of vogue. Back in the day it was SNAG - sensitive new age guy. Or as I would say, "Likely to be upset after Bambi's mom gets shot."

  8. Saving Money. Using credit cards and accumulating debt seemed to be cool for a while. Heck, you could always pay it later. Couldn't afford it? That is okay there is nothing like an 18% interest! Yes, it sort of looks ridiculous when one writes in out. I saved money so I could go to movies with my friends and buy comic books.

  9. Video cameras. The only people who used video cameras were in the AV Club. Now everyone has a video camera.

  10. Diaries/Journal. If you told someone you had a diary 20 years ago they would have laughed at you and wondered why you would admit to such personal information. With blogs, facebook, twitter, whatever-social-network-device-du-jour it is now more common for people to give you a look if you are NOT giving out some sort of personal information.

  11. (Freebie) Dial up computing. I used to dial in to bulletin board systems on a 1200 baud modem and play Dungeons & Dragons. Even better I was a Dungeon Master for the online version. That is when I wasn't playing Space Wars. I even had a 300 baud connection to an 800 number for the Wall Street Journal for stock quotes. I wish I had taken better advantage of THAT.
As I look at an old copy of a travel journal, I see it talks about missing playing Street Fighter 2 and reading comic books with my buddies during the summer of 1991 as I get ready for college. I've given my copy of Bambi to a friends younger sister in exchange for the use of video camera and with money I saved at my job I bought a copy of a ShadowRun - a role playing game that involves vampires and ghosts. I haven't bought my first Bill James book - though I'll learn about him soon in a newsgroup about baseball - and it'll be nearly a year before a horrified girlfriend buys me my first flannel shirt - though that is only after I . I guess that makes me 20% cool and only 80% uncool.

Now excuse me while I figure out what I am doing uncool today so I can be ahead of the curve...


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