Friday, January 20, 2012

Ten Things I'll Tell My Daughter: Things said after being sent home from daycare

Actually this is the second time Sienna has been sent home sick. Since she is eight months into her daycare-hood this is actually a really small amount. Yesterday she was sent home with diarrhea though. Here are ten comments are related to it.

  1. "I had to hose her down." Marcel the daycare giver on how bad Sienna's diarrhea was

  2. "Evan threw up in the toys. Everyone is pretty sick." Marcel again, when I asked her if there is was something going around.

  3. "If it is the middle of the night and she is covered in crap and throwup. DO NOT wake her up. I did that once and couldn't get Danielle back to sleep." Grandma Trudy upon hearing Sienna was sick

  4. "Can I leave for work? You've got this, right?" My question to Danielle as she changed a Sienna covered diarrhea diaper

  5. "I'll kill you." Danielle's look after I asked question 4

  6. "Put her in a onsie. It's one extra layer between her ass and us having to clean the rug." Me as we dressed Sienna this morning

  7. "I wouldn't drink that either." Me after I tried to get her the baby version of Gatorade

  8. "You've now had three baths in 12 hours. I like your style." Me at Sienna's suddenly clean all the time

  9. "We're watching cartoons together." Grandma Trudy on what she is doing while watching Sienna

  10. "She ate a lot this morning. For a sick kid." Danielle on Sienna's appetite

We have to keep good humor about this. Otherwise we'll go crazy.


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