Thursday, February 23, 2012

Today was a good day

I took today off from work.

Sienna's daycare lost two providers recently - not in the death sense as one went to grad school and another was fired - and then a third one had a family emergency. With the usual backup daycare people unavailable there was no room for Sienna at the proverbial inn*.

I took the day off from work to spend it with my daughter. I always said I would do these type of command moments in fatherhood - after all, isn't a personal day exactly for this sort of emergency?

I plan on taking opening day of the Mets off to go to the park with her too. I'd rather spend me days off with la familia. Danielle felt bad that I had to take the day off. Are you kidding me?

Here was my day: I cooked Danielle eggs (and myself eggs and sausage) while she fed Sienna. I made myself a pot of coffee and then...

...It was the first weather in a while that didn't require the heaviest of jackets so we went to the park

...We played in the house

...picked up Dominos

...played nose-hands-mouth

...rolled on the floor with her

Heck, throw in some playing with Scudder, Sienna standing up, it was a lot of fun.

Today was a good day. I look forward to more of them.

* Daycare gave us plenty of notice

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