Friday, September 10, 2010


Why not?

Okay might you want a little more than that.

Life consists of a lot planned randomness. For me it's going to work, figuring out what to barbeque, marriage, the documentary - both post production & raising cash, my desire to compare psychology to sports, and that isn't even touching on the low-level portion of the program.

It's the in-betweens of those moments, or the moments themselves that are interesting. Or at last it is the stuff I end up telling my beautiful and patient wife Danielle about at the end of the night.

Or emailing friends about.

Or tweeting.

Or when I've blogged over the years.

That is everyone's life when you think about it (which I do) or some variant within. You wake up in the morning with an idea of what you want, and then randomness takes over. You can try to plan for the day but ain't happening.

So welcome to my creative sandbox where I'll talk about a multitude of subjects - sometimes to inform, often to question, but always to share.

Like I said, why not.

Night humanoids.

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