Wednesday, November 9, 2011

When Sienna is Sick

I was having a not-so-good day at work. I can't even qualify it as a bad day at work as there was a minimal amount of additional stress on my normal workload, though I had just received some work news that put me in a rather foul mood. Bad day is when something bad it happening - like a family member having a problem.

When the phone rang I recognized Danielle's number.

"Cranky husband," I said as I pressed the headset button on my phone and sent the Ma Bell signal through my headphone-esque looking crown.

"Day care called," Danielle said, foregoing greetings and salutations.

My mind immediately jumped into exactly why daycare would call. Either Sienna did or something or something happened to Sienna. Daycare isn't the type of place that will arbitrarily call. Or to put it another way, if someone bit Sienna they would mention it to us when we picked her up, not with a midday phone call. Conversely if someone bit Sienna and it broke skin then we'd get a phone call.

"She is running a fever. I'm going to go pick her up. A lot kids are sick today. There is a bug going around."

That was rather good of Danielle given that I was covering a co-workers project at work and I wasn't in a spot to work from home easily.

After I turned off my headset I thought to what was going on. The day still had its stresses at work though nothing compared to the sudden shift in priorities. How sick was Sienna? Was it a cold again? A cough? A something else?

That is part of parenting. Wondering exactly what is wrong with your child without letting your mind get away from you. Or at least too far away from you. It sucks really. The this is only the beginning and in the grand scheme of things - I can't quality it as a bad day since Danielle will take care of Sienna and we'll all be well in the end.


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