Sunday, March 11, 2012


Now that I have the blogger app on my iPhone expect quite a few more "Sienna just did x posts."

Since someone somewhere is storing this data then I fully expect her to someday walk up to me with an evil glare followed by a disertation on my poor grammar structure.

At which moment I shall remind her of events like last night. As she happily crawls about with a belly full of blueberry pancakes she has no recollection of her adventures on teething.

Her power screaming - something she never does - until I came and got her. Oragel does not always fix everything, there are times Mommy's shoulder is the only remedy.

For the first time ever Sienna conked out in bed with us. Scudder was the most effected as I kept tossing him off the bed onto the floor. Actually Mommy too since it was her shoulder in use. Daddy fell back asleep, snoring away.

Now how will I use this blog entry to defend myself? Easy enough. Mommy is tired this morning and we are coffeeless. This may be my last blog entry Sienna!

See. Teething. You never know the results.


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