Monday, June 6, 2011

Ten Things I'll Tell My Daughter: Tips for Living a Happier Life

Ten little tips for living a happier life.

Some of these are from books, some from friends, some from enemies, and some I have just figured out on my own.

In no particular order.

  1. Make a loan like you never expect the money back. It takes the pressure off yourself and will save a friendship or two at some point.

  2. If you accept a loan, make a schedule and pay it back accordingly. It takes the pressure off yourself and will save a friendship or two at some point.

  3. Pick up the bill if you have the means and the other person doesn't. I'm not talking about a weekend in France or something (unless it is your Mom & me, then you pay) I'm talking about if you're at dinner or drinks, or a baseball game. I learned this from someone I did not like very much at the time named Mike, who was a Graduate Assistant. I was with the UMass Hoop Band in Atlanta for the Sweet Sixteen and Mike was with us, we hit the hotel bar, and learned why you should never drink at the hotel bar. We all blew through our weekend per diem and were figuring out where the nearest ATM was Mike took out his credit card to cover the bill. We offered to pay him back and he hit us with these words of wisdom, "Sometimes you'll have the money, sometimes you won't. If you have the money and end up picking up the bill - just do it and don't bitch about it. Because someone will do it for you too."

  4. Learn to drink your coffee black. Your Great Uncle Bill got me with this one. I was at his house and he offered me a cup of coffee, I asked from milk and sugar. "

    Always going to have milk around? Or sugar? Or even a leaf to flavor it?" He managed to spit out the questions rapid fire while simulatenously making it the longest question ever.

    Before I could figure out the reply, he gave me his version of the punchline, "Learn to drink coffee black. You never know what you will have but you'll always be able to drink what you've got."

  5. If you like the price stop negotiating. Yes you might be able to get a dollar or two more -- you might also lose a pretty good deal. I've done both.

  6. All major purchases should be made during off-season sales, or when you do not need it. Why? You will always get a better price. Even minor purchases should be made during off season times. You know some of those stuffed animals you liked so much as a child? Garage sales, once through the washing machine, hand to child. You're welcome.

  7. Buy your own drinks at a bar. Well, unless you are at a corporate event and the company is paying for it. Yes, as a woman will be able to get guys to buy you drink and I'll have Danielle do a guest posting on why pay for your own drinks. Conversely, offer to buy a guy a drink. We like this.

  8. Never argue when you are hungry. Nothing good will come of this other than instead of being hungry you're going to be hungry AND angry.

  9. Travel as much as you can. Whether it is out of the country, or a weekend trip by car, get out and see as much of the world as you can. You never know what you might learn. Or find at a garage sale.

  10. Never wear a pink hat to a baseball game. I cannot mention this enough.

  11. (Freebie!) Do something stupid. You're going to do it anyway so I might as well encourage it. This is different than dumb. Dumb is drunk driving. Stupid is doing tequila shots and dancing on the bar.

Now go live your life, child.


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