Friday, June 17, 2011

Why No Good Atlantis Movies?

I fully admit that I have an odd love affair with the movie the National Treasure -despite it including the punchline to a joke acting of Nic Cage - or really any movie that uses history, no matter how ill informed, plotless, or otherwise inane. If the movie Sahara - despite it including the punchline to a joke acting Matthew McConaughey - is on I stop everything I'm doing to marvel on whether I think the movie is plausible or not. Noah Wylie's The Librarian puts them all to shame though.

I have not come here to bury, praise, or pontificate on those movies - I am here since I am a curious type: why have not seen one movie about Atlantis. Maybe they are out there and I just don't know about them. All I know is I have never heard about any of them.

Atlantis is mentioned in The Illiad and seems to be a permanent fixture on the Discovery and History Channel as far as questions on its very existence. You think this would be perfect fodder for Hollywood, yet it has fallen between the lines.

Here is what it has going for it
  • The Illiad gave us Troy which gave us the awful movie Troy. With that type of pedigree you think we'd see the movie about a super race of people that were wiped out by an even more super race of people.
  • It involves a super advanced civilization. The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull had aliens and an advanced race you would think that - actually scratch that comparison.
  • History points out that Sardinia is the most likely site of Atlantis and that the advanced society was blown out of existence when a volcano exploded and blew up half of the island. If we can't find a nice moral tale in there anyone I'll be damned.
  • People are interested in it. Google Atlantis and see how much material comes up.
No matter what I hope that someday we get to see a decent move about Atlantis. Right now the closest Atlantian based entertainment we get is from the comic Aquaman. Certainly the world can do a lot better.


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